One way to empower your nursing assistants is to reward positive behavior. Obviously, positive behavior is more than just getting to work on time and performing an assignment. As you go through your day, look for all the little ways in which your aides are growing–both as employees and as people. For example, be sure to praise your employees when they:

Set a good example for others.

Ask to join committees.

Ask for help when they need it.

Share their knowledge with others.

Approach their work creatively.

Come to work/meetings on time.

Are willing to stay late.

Set goals for themselves.

Listen to others.

Give help to others when asked.

Finish what they start.

Have a positive attitude.

Volunteer for challenging assignments.

Look for ways to make new ideas work.

Do their work with enthusiasm.

Complete their inservices.

Do their work better today than they did yesterday.

Avoid gossip.

Finish their paperwork.

Are excited about learning new things.

Offer or agree to train new employees.

Learn from their mistakes.

Ask lots of questions.

Enjoy their work!

As a supervisor, it’s easy to get caught up in “putting out fires” and dealing with negative behaviors…forgetting that all of the above actions demonstrate an employee’s enthusiasm for lifelong learning. So, focus on the positive and you’ll be on your way to retaining a happy CNA staff!


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