Diabetes is an epidemic.  That’s not news.  But have you seen the latest global statistics? 

  • Someone dies from diabetes every six seconds.
  • Diabetes kills more people every year than HIV, tuberculosis and malaria combined. 
  • And, in just one generation, the number of cases of type 2 diabetes has exploded. In 1985, there were “only” 30 million people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.  That jumped to 415 million in 2015.  And, if nothing changes, the projection is that there will be 642 million type 2 diabetics by 2040.
  • Most countries are spending as much as 20% of their healthcare budget on diabetes.  Twenty dollars out of every $100 on just ONE disease!

It’s clear that we are not winning the battle against this preventable condition.  No doubt, every healthcare organization–including yours–has clients who are dealing with type 2 diabetes.  And, chances are that you also have employees who have diabetes…or are pre-diabetic.

When it comes to diabetes, knowledge is power.  In the Know inservice modules give your aides the tools they need  to help clients control their diabetes.  Here’s what one nurse manager had to say:

“After completing the ‘Understanding Diabetes’ inservice, one of our home health aides recognized the signs of hypoglycemia and impending insulin shock in her client. She called EMS and literally saved the client’s life because of the information she learned from In the Know!”       ~Tamika Y., Generations Solutions

Here are some inservice modules that can help keep your nurse aides “in the know” about the diabetes epidemic and how to prevent it:

Understanding Diabetes

Understanding Blood Sugar

Basic Nutrition & Hydration

Nutrition for Diabetic Clients

Personal Wellness for Nurse Aides

Working with Non-Compliant Clients

Cooking for Your Clients

As healthcare professionals, we need to take the lead in educating people about the effects that nutrition and lifestyle choices contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. And that includes educating ourselves and our employees.  

If you have an idea for an inservice related to diabetes that you would like us to add to our library, please let us know.  All of us at In the Know are committed to doing our part to turn the tide against this rising epidemic.  We look forward to your feedback!



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