The way we treat pain is changing.
Are your caregivers intheknow?


In the 1990s, healthcare professionals were encouraged to view pain as the “fifth vital sign.” The Joint Commission told us that pain must be regularly assessed—and that physicians must accept and respect all patients’ reports of pain.

Alongside these new pain guidelines, another powerful force was pushing its own agenda. The pharmaceutical industry began to encourage the use of opioids for all kinds of pain control, where previously it was only recommended for cancer pain, palliative care, and end of life care.

You may have heard the myth that “it’s not possible to become addicted to pain medicine when it’s used for pain control.” This idea came from an ad campaign created by the drug company that makes OxyContin. There was no scientific evidence to back it up—but no one ever asked to see the proof. Instead, the entire medical community fell in line—and opioid prescriptions quadrupled.

The drug company was later sued for deceptive advertising practices. But the damage was already done.

Now we know better.


So where does that leave the medical community?


Today we understand that (in most cases) the risks associated with opioids far outweigh the benefits. That means the medical community must learn new ways to treat pain safely and effectively without the help of opioids.

New guidelines call for doctors to reduce or end the use of opioids—with exceptions for cancer, palliative care, and end of life care.

Are your caregivers prepared to care for clients who have pain when opioids are limited or no longer available?


Download the Pain Awareness Caregiver Challenge


Distribute the “Pain Awareness Caregiver Challenge” to measure your Caregivers’ knowledge
and comfort level in helping clients manage pain in safe and effective ways.

What’s Inside?

A thought-provoking quiz for caregivers.

Tips on recognizing pain symptoms,

Plenty of non-drug solutions to manage pain, and

An explanation of how to recognize drug addiction and drug diversion in healthcare workers.



It's our mission to prepare your Caregivers to deliver the highest quality of care to your clientsleaving you with more time to grow your business!

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