Illinois state training regs? We’e got you covered!

Home Care Office Staff Hiring Tips

Find the perfect combination of courses to meet your requirements and help your team continue to grow and develop professionally.

Like it the old fashioned way?

Hey Illinois Healthcare Heroes! Whether you are in home care, home health, hospice, or assisted living, you have a direct care workforce (CNAs HHAs, PCAs, HSWs) with very specific training needs and In the Know has you covered!

Meeting your state requirements.

With 170+ approved online courses and 200+ courses prepared to teach in-person, you’re sure to find the perfect combination of courses to meet your requirements and help your team continue to grow and develop professionally.

Meeting your Alzheimer’s and Dementia training requirements.

In addition to your industry-specific training requirements, you must also follow the regulations outlined in the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Services Act. This rule states that all staff with direct access to clients with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia (hired after June 2, 2019) shall complete a minimum of 6 hours of initial training in ADRD in the first 60 days of employment, and 3 hours of advanced training each year.

If you already subscribe to In the Know Online Learning, be sure to look for the learning path titled, Illinois Initial ADRD Training (6 hours). Having all the courses together in a learning path means it’s easy to assign all the required courses to your new hires with just one click!

Need to know your Illinois state requirements?

Not sure what your Illinois State training requirements are? Check out our new comprehensive guide, ILLINOIS REGULATIONS FOR CAREGIVER TRAINING IN HOME CARE, HOME HEALTH, HOSPICE, & ASSISTED LIVING. It’s free!

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