Your Caregivers Crave Training in Soft Skills

Home Care Office Staff Hiring Tips

In our continuing effort to keep our finger on the pulse of how caregivers feel about their jobs, we surveyed hundreds of caregivers (who took one or more of our courses) over the past two weeks.

Like it the old fashioned way?

In our continuing effort to keep our finger on the pulse of how caregivers feel about their jobs, we surveyed hundreds of caregivers (who took one or more of our courses) over the past two weeks. And what we learned was shocking!

We ASSUMED . . .

But, you know what they say about those who assume! We asked caregivers to tell us about the hardest part of their job. And we assumed their answers would focus on low pay, inconsistent hours, and backbreaking work.

We were dead wrong!

It turns out; most find it more challenging to keep a positive attitude and get along with different types of people!


And when asked which professional skill they’d most like to improve, the majority of respondents said, “communicating with co-workers.”



This means, your caregivers WANT and NEED training in soft skills!


What are soft skills?

“Soft skills” are also known as people skills or interpersonal skills. These terms refer to all the personal attitudes and behaviors people use to relate to others professionally and productively.

Having good “People Skills” means your caregivers have empathy, self-awareness, flexibility, problems solving skills, time management skills, excellent communication, and strong work ethics.

Can soft skills be taught?

You bet they can! Experts believe soft skills are best taught through a combination of formal training and one-on-one coaching.

How do you do it?

Download INSPIRE YOUR ORDINARY TEAM TO DELIVER EXTRAORDINARY CARE. In it, you’ll find the People Skills Inventory. This is a brief questionnaire any supervisor can use to pinpoint their team’s strengths and weaknesses. Results offer plenty of suggestions on how to address your team’s weaknesses with targeted training topics.


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